How to season your griddle in six easy steps

It’s National BBQ Week and griddle company Blackstone share top tips to season your hotplate
The 28th National BBQ week runs from June 3rd to 9th
The versatility of the griddle is seeing them become a more popular purchase for Britain’s love of BBQs - not to mention there’s no banger or burger falling through the grill!
But one of the biggest challenges for griddle newbies is how to perfectly season it to make the most of the griddle
Blackstone, the official griddle of the 28th National BBQ Week, has shared six simple steps to get your griddle perfectly seasoned and ready for some hot BBQ action!
The advantages of seasoning your griddle are it improves the flavour and taste of the food, while it also helps protect and prolong the life of the griddle plate.

What is Seasoning?
Seasoning is what makes a griddle last the test of time. It creates a blackened stick-resistant coating that doesn’t scratch and adds flavour to every dish. You’ll be tasting the meals as they are meant to be.
Stuff You Need
Before you start seasoning your griddle, make sure you have all the items and supplies you'll need right by your side:
Bucket filled with water
Blackstone Griddle Seasoning & Cast Iron Conditioner (other oils can be used)
Heat-resistant gloves OR tongs
Paper Towels
Washing up Liquid
Step 1 - Sparkling Soapy Cleanse
You’ve got your griddle but before you start to sizzle some steaks, you’ve got to clean it up with soap. This is just to remove any dust or debris from manufacturing and shipping.
It’s pretty easy to clean this baby up. Fill a bucket with water and add a little washing up liquid. Gently pour the soapy water on the griddle and then rinse with clean water. Make sure it is completely dry before you start to season your griddle.
Step 2 - Pre-heat & make it dark!
After your new griddle is squeaky clean, it’s time to pre-heat and darken it up! This is where we transform the griddle top into a blackened, stick resistant cooking surface. So, turn on the burners to the max and let the heat do its thing. After 10-15 minutes, you'll notice the griddle top will start to brown. Once you see the colour change, turn the burners off and move on to the next step.
Step 3 - It’s time to season!
When you season a griddle, you create a natural stick-resistant surface that’s incredibly durable. To do this, you’ll add thin coats of oil, where you are removing the organic compounds in the oil and leaving a polymer that bonds to your griddle plate. The one secret to remember is to only use a very thin layer of oil for each coat. A thick coat of oil during the seasoning process will lead to future chipping and a build-up of sticky gunk on your griddle plate.
Blackstone recommends its own Blackstone Griddle Seasoning & Cast Iron Conditioner, but you can use any of these oils and just remember "thin, multiple layers".
Blackstone Griddle Seasoning & Cast Iron Conditioner (recommended)
Canola Oil
Vegetable Oil
Olive Oil

Use paper towels to spread the oil evenly on the surface. Use tongs or heat-resistant gloves to avoid burning yourself. Make sure there aren't any thick oil puddles or dry spots. Use the paper towel as if you're trying to wipe all the oil off of the griddle surface. That's how thin your oil layer should be.
Step 4 - Fire it back up!
Now, turn the heat back up and sit back while you watch the griddle plate blacken.
The griddle will billow with smoke. That’s called “smoke point” and it takes about 30 minutes for your griddle to get there. So, relax, grab a seat, and watch the smoke fly by. When all the smoke is gone, you can turn off the griddle.
Step 5 - Time for some extra rounds!
Like a boxing ring, it’s hard to knock out your opponent in the first round, so to make the best non-sticking and tasty surface your meals deserve, you’re have to repeat the seasoning. So be patient and make it count. Grab your oil again, dab it on the griddle, and watch the heated smoke-fest again. You should stop when the griddle plate is dark brown, and that takes around another two to three times.

Step 6 - Final touches
Once you’ve completed three to four rounds of initial seasoning, let your griddle cool slightly and wipe it down with a final layer of Blackstone Seasoning & Cast Iron Conditioner or the Blackstone Non-Stick Griddle Spray. This protects the griddle against oxidation. Now you’re done and your griddle is freshly seasoned!
For more BBQ tips, plus all the latest news, offers and recipes visit www.nationalbbqweek.co.uk. You can also keep up to date with events on X, Facebook and Instagram.

The 28th National BBQ Week, which is incorporated into the Gastro Alfresco summer outdoor living campaign, is sponsored by Birds Eye Green Cuisine, Birds Eye Steamfresh, Blackstone, Jacob’s, La Vieille Ferme and Sarson’s.