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The importance of cleaning your coffee machine, according to an expert

For coffee lovers, a coffee machine is an essential kitchen gadget to help kickstart the day, but many overlook the importance of cleaning their machine to maintain a barista-worthy caffeine hit.


As our minds turn to spring cleaning Janet Myers from leading premium coffee machine brand JURA shares their expert advice on why cleaning your coffee machine shouldn’t be overlooked and the best way to do this.

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Why is cleaning your coffee machine important?


“The main factor is hygiene. Often people will keep the outside of their machine in tip top condition and forget about the upkeep of the parts they can’t see. A regular cleaning schedule which is tailored to the type of coffee machine you have and how often you use it is an essential part of any coffee connoisseur’s routine. 


“For most of us, a coffee machine is an investment for those who want to enjoy a high-quality barista style coffee in the comfort of their home. So, it’s important to keep it clean and working properly to maintain the quality of your caffeine hit.”

What happens if you don't clean your coffee maker?


“If you don’t clean your coffee machine, coffee and milk residue and limescale can build up inside which will impact the taste of your morning brew – sometimes making it have a metallic or bitter flavour. “Longer term, this residue build up can cause clogging and blockages that decrease the water flow through the machine, making it less efficient to run and in extreme cases – limiting the lifespan of your machine or stopping it from working at all.”


What’s the best way to clean your coffee machine?


“There are more at-home coffee machine options available to us than ever before – there’s barely a need to step foot in a coffee shop. Cleaning tips vary whether you own a filter coffee machine, a capsule machine or an automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine with self-cleaning functionality which we specialise in here at JURA. Our general advice on cleaning your coffee maker are as follows:

  • Always refer to your coffee machine’s user manual and opt for the recommended maintenance products (using alternatives may impact any warranties)

  • Clean the milk system daily, to prevent milk residue from building up and causing blockages

  • Remove drip trays and coffee grounds containers each day and rinse with warm water

  • Don’t forget to refill your water tank daily with fresh water for a professional grade coffee

  • Don’t ignore any on-screen prompts on automatic machines


“Overall, you’ve made the splurge so you can enjoy great tasting hot beverages at home and a simple maintenance routine will ensure you can continue to enjoy the perfect coffee every time, for years to come.”

Janet Myers
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